Metal Plating Chemicals
▶ Metal Methanesulfonate

Bismuth methanesulfonate


Electroplating industry
• for plating out of bismuth and bismuth-alloys as replacement for lead methanesulfonate in tin-lead alloy bathes
• for high speed plating of bismuth

Product Data

Chemical Name Bismuth methanesulfonate
Molecular weight 494.3 g/mol
Formula -

Miscible with water in any ratio

Delivery form Acidic,aqueous solution
Color Colorless
Odour Odourless


≥715 g/l g/
Bi content ≥300g/l
Free MSA ≤175g/l



Bismuth(III) methanesulfonate solution has a shelf life of min.12 months if stored correctly in dry areas and in its orginal closed packaging at room temperature. Exposure of the solution to the atmosphere or light may result in a slight yellow discoloration of the product or development of a light odour.



Special advice for security

Information concerning:
• classification and labelling according to the regulations governing transport and hazardous chemicals
• protective measures for storage and handling
• safety measures in case of accident and fire
• toxicity and ecological effects
are given in our material safety data sheets.